Rhythm Divine Poets Performance Poetry Workshop
on 6th September, 2015 at Mohor Kunj
Dear Bookworms,
We were delighted when we got to know that Rhythm Divine, a poetry group in Kolkata is conducting a series of workshops on Performance Poetry sessions where poets experienced in this field will be training and grooming the poets to be more expressive with their performances.
We are glad to be associated with Rhythm Divine Poets and 100th Poets for Change, a global event that is creating history by bringing poets together in all over the world in a chain of creative expressions.
Phase II of the workshops was held in the midst of nature, Mohor Kunj park, one of the parks which still holds that sublime beauty, which saw Poets coming together to discuss various aspects of performance poetry aimed at preparing the poets of the group who wish to enact their poems at the 26th September Performance Poetry Meet to be held at 8th Day Café as part of the 100 Thousand Poets for Change global event.
The instructor of the day was Samrat Dey, an experienced Performance Poet himself, instructed the enthusiastic poets like Amit, Sufia, Mitika, Nivedita, Niladri and Manikuntala about the various formats of performance poetry.
The idea about Performance poetry is very simple. It is a form of poetry intended to be performed as a dramatic monologue or exchange and frequently involving extemporization. Poets got to know about the various formats and how they can enact and present their poems as a visual treat.
Its not generally reciting but a more packaged performance piece where the poet works with either musical score or props.
In one of the formats poets were given some time to compose poems on the topic “Change” individually while taking a stroll in the beautiful garden under the windy canopy. It was like an era where poets were writing in high passions totally engrossed into the world of imagery rather than mechanical expressions.
Once the poets were ready with their compositions they were asked to enact it out. The other poets as well as Samrat gave their feedback about each performance and ideas were exchanged regarding how the poems can be effectively performed. The basic ideas about the topic and the type of poems to be written for effective performance were learnt by the poets. Phase III will see poets practicing with musical accompaniments.
Rhythm Divine is thankful to the instructors
Samrat, Arjun and Sam the music man becoming a part of such an initiative and Purple Patch, designs and creative partner and 8th Day Cafe Venue partner for their support.
We are looking forward to the event hope you all are as well.
Keep reading that love called books
Being Bookworms
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